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Dear Parents & Carers,
The Greater Manchester Health Authority has asked if they can work with our School Nursing team to deliver Flu vaccinations to any child who has been given parental consent.
For the majority of children the nasal spray form of the vaccination would be appropriate, but there is another option in the form of an injection if needed.
Taking part in this vaccination programme is entirely voluntary and any parent who does not want their child to take part should select the NO option on the consent form.
We have taken the decision to minimise anxiety for the children and ensure a safe procedure that a parent must be present when their child receives the vaccine.
Planned Vaccination Date – Wednesday 9th October 2024 – time slots will be added to ParentMail the week before.
Please see click the link below from Intra Health to consent or decline for this year’s nasal flu vaccinations
The link is now opened and will close on the 1st October 2024
If you have any questions in relation to the immunisation or queries please do not hesitate to get in touch with Intrahealth on 0333 358 3397, option 1 option 7
Kind regards,
Sally Judge