

Our Signalong Champions have been working hard learning lots of Easter & Spring related sign vocabulary. At the end of our session, Samir decided to test Scarlett and Mason on how many they could remember! They did amazingly well and were able to remember all 10 new signs. Well done, Signalong Champions

Chinese New Year

Mason is very excited to wish everybody a Happy Chinese New Year! He brought in some special items to share with his friends and taught them the sign for each item! Fellow Signalong Champions Alice and Ellis also helped- have a look at their wonderful work!

Signalong with Alice

Hi I’m Alice and this is my signing book and if you want to know how to sign the weather you can come and look at page 6 and it will tell you all about signing and you can sign snow too! Look at my other pages if you want to  learn how to sign pets or food or colours. If you want to know anything else I will keep adding to my book so keep looking at it please. 

Singalong Graduation Ceremony

We are so incredibly proud of our Signalong Champions! We celebrated their fantastic achievement in gaining a qualification in Signalong! Proud families joined us to watch our signing stars receive their certificates and watch them graduate from the Signalong for Learners Course. Well done from everyone at Delamere- what an achievement!

Signalong Champions

At Delamere, we offer the opportunity for children to gain a recognised qualification in Signalong.

Our Signalong Champions are all working towards gaining the ‘Signalong for Learners’ accreditation which allows them to demonstrate their ability to recognise and perform signs, as well as giving opportunities to build their own confidence and educate others.

Our Signalong Champions often create educational videos teaching useful sign vocabulary and they evidence their work towards their qualifications in their very own Ebooks.

Have a look at their fantastic work by clicking on the links below!

Signalong externally accredits ‘Signalong for Learner’s’ courses which are mapped to the Speech Language and Communication Needs Framework (SLCF). The Framework sets out the key skills and knowledge needed to support speech language and communication development. It ensures that the content:

• Is “fit for the purpose”

• Includes relevant content

• Uses appropriate methods of assessment

Delamere Awarded Signalong Silver Friendly Status!

We are proud to have been awarded Silver Level Signalong Friendly Status. This means that we have been recognised as upholding the values of Signalong which include “greater fulfilment of potential, greater independence, reduction in disturbed and challenging behaviour, improvement in self-esteem and improved relationships”

Signalong Champions Go Live!

Our Signalong Champions took part in the first of many Signalong Charity‘s free live training sessions.  Our Signalong champions really enjoyed learning lots of new signs relating to British Values. We even got invited to join Maxine on the live to show the viewers how we performed the new signs! We’re looking forward to joining the other sessions!

Click below and see some Signalong Videos that a Speech and Language Therapist at Delamere filmed. There are 50 signs to help you at home.

Why not have a go at home? 

Delamere School Irlam Road Flixton M41 6AP
T: 0161 747 5893 E:
Ofsted Outstanding Provider
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