
Class Teacher 23-24 Kerry Mitchell

Teaching Assistants –  Lynn, Rabina, Ruth and Gemma

Personal Support Worker –  Andrea



This term in Outdoor learning we are exploring forces. We love bouncing up and down on the trampoline, pushing balls, travelling fast and slow in the playground; and pulling on therapy bands then letting them go to hear them ping!

Good Work Owls!

This term in #outdoorlearning Owl class are learning about the sounds of Spring. We go on a walk and listen to objects that represent the sounds of birds, frogs, April showers, and the breeze. We especially like the sound of rain above our heads and the sound and feel of the wind. 

This term we have enjoyed a sensory story in the pool, called the ‘Lost pearl’ about a mermaid who lost her pearl and her sea friends had to help find it. The children in the pool had to work hard on our front and backs swimming, moving in the water to create waves by using our legs and arms. We also worked on our vision to track and reach out for lights. Whilst at the side of the pool we have fun exploring the story in a sensory way,  water for splashing on our feet and hands, using our vision to track lights, and exploring shells and starfish.

This term Owl class are joining in with a #storymassage based on Springtime. We explore props linked to spring such as flowers, birds,  damp grass, lambs, the warm sun and the April showers. 

We love the familiar story massage strokes and show amazing #engagement through our anticipation, initiation and persistence. 

#positivetouch #readingforpleasure

As part of our upcoming Key stage 1 #Scienceweek, Owl class took a trip to #RHSBridgewater for a sensory planting session. Some of our friends from Squirrel class came along to help us.  #collaberativeworking #plants 

In Owl Class we have been enjoying our swimming sessions. We have been working hard doing our stretches, kicking our legs and joining in with nursery rhymes. 

Owl class have been enjoying PE. We have been exploring games and this term focusing on Kurling. We have used our arms to move the equipment and using our senses to listen and look for the reward at the end. We used a piano to slide the equipment across and listened to the music it made. We had a Big Mac which played a cheering sound when it was hit. And we also had a disco light. We worked extremely hard and had so much fun.

Owls have had a good first week back at school and have been enjoying their new sessions. 

Some of these sessions include,  rebound therapy on the trampoline, using our tactile symbols to join in with ready steady go activities, and we have been taking part in musical New Age Kurling as part of P.E sessions. 

RRS: article 13: You have the right to find out things and say what you think through making art, speaking and writing unless it breaks the rights of others. 

Owl class have been going on a polar bear hunt this term. We have to travel through the icy river, the snowstorm and the echo cave before we use our torches to find the bear. 

As part of the session, we have been practising our grasping skills, our positive looking skills; and our intensive interaction through vocalisation. 

This December Owl class have had lots of Christmas themed fun! We have made Reindeer food, sang songs, and explored Christmas toys. 

We even had a Christmas concert with Beth as part of our party!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Owl visited Parkers Garden Centre in Flixton. We loved smelling and feeling the Christmas wreaths, Using our vision skills to look at the lights, and listening to the singing toys. 

We even found the Polar Bear from our weekly sensory story! 

Article 29 You have the right to an education which develops your personality and abilities. 

Owl class had a great time on the field, PJ laughed as we pushed him up and down the hill, Ruby and Daniel enjoyed exploring the outdoor instruments, and Kitty stood at the tuff tray to pat and splash in the water. It was great to have fun in the fresh air !

We practice our physical skills by rolling balls to #TinaTurner #ProudMary, reaching our arms to #riseup as part of our work looking at tennis player #SerenaWilliams, and we kick balls to our friends to #callmealioness just like #LaurenJames.

This term, Owl class are focussing on big and small in maths. We have great fun bouncing and rolling big and small balls; and exploring different sizes of lights and objects in the sensory room 

RRS article 28 you have a right to an education.

Activity Ideas for Remote Learning

Sensology at home

Make some playdough, explore the ingredients, encourage mixing at different stages and then play with the playdough. Try different actions to different music or you can follow (adapt) some of the videos on youtube:

  • Get messy and explore shaving foam, try adding different tactile objects or toys to find in the foam. This can be done in cornflour gloop, custard, spaghetti, anything goes!!!
  • There is a booklet of different recipes for different media enclosed.
  • Practise tracking and reaching. Use some favourite toys and items. Can your child locate them either by reaching out and feeling them, listening and locating, tracking the movement left to right / up and down. This is great for gross motor, head control, cognition and also helps with communication skills.
  • Get physical and get moving. Use your favourite songs (different tempos and styles are best) get out on the floor and support your child in different movements in time to and as an interpretation of the music e.g. rolling, bouncing, tapping, arm movements, bending and straightening legs etc. Encourage your child to move independently where they can. Make your own mini disco.
  • Technology. Use your tablet, computer, smart TV, phone (whatever you have available) to access some different motivation songs, stories and games. Below is a link to some different websites you can try. (some may require you to register, but registration is free to access some of the resources)
  • You can access a free trial of Snap Core First which is the electronic communication tool. You can tailor the options for choice between 2 symbols (pictures can also be copied in)

This is available to print below

Delamere School Irlam Road Flixton M41 6AP
T: 0161 747 5893 E: delamere.admin@trafford.gov.uk
Ofsted Outstanding Provider
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