
My name is Rachael and I am the named school nurse here at Delamere School. I am part of The Trafford Children’s Community Nursing Team (CCNT).

I am a registered children’s nurse with a wealth of knowledge and experience in various fields of children’s nursing however have a special interest in caring for children with complex and additional needs. Before transitioning to Delamere School I worked on a paediatric observation and assessment unit where I then went on to work within a children’s community team caring for children with acute, chronic and complex health needs.

The school health service is a partnership with parents/guardians, myself and the wider multi-disciplinary team within Trafford Children’s services. The service aims to maintain and support children’s health and additional needs throughout the educational years.

I look forward to developing a supportive relationship with the children and parents/guardians through providing a holistic and caring role highlighted below. It is my aim to involve children and parents in their care, enabling informed choices to be made, keeping them central at all times in the child’s individual health development.

Our Role

We are a nurse led team providing specialist support through safe, evidence based, person-centred healthcare to children & young people (CYP) aged between 4-19 years with long term and complex physical health needs.

We provide this within the six SEN schools below in Trafford.

* Delamere

* Pictor

* Longford Park

*The Orchards

* Brentwood

* St John Vianney

The school health service is a partnership with parents/guardians, the community nurses and the wider multi-disciplinary team within Trafford.

The service aims to maintain and support CYP’s health and additional needs throughout their educational years.

We Iook forward to developing a supportive relationship with the CYP and  their parents/carers through providing a holistic and caring role highlighted below.

It is our aim to involve CYP and parents/carers in their care, enabling informed choices to be made, keeping them central at all times in the child’s individual health development.

We Offer

Providing a universal service to children and young people by assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating their health and care needs whilst attending school as part of the school health programme.

Facilitating early recognition of health, social and emotional problems.

Liaising with education staff, therapists, ophthalmology, social workers, community nurses and specialist nurses and wider

multi-disciplinary team professionals.

Supporting  immunisation programmes in line with national guidance.

Offering support and advice to school staff  to promote pupil health .

Providing up to date and evidence based care and training for education staff to be competent to meet children’s health care needs including

administering medicines, caring for gastrostomies, tracheostomies and supporting education staff in  developing individual health care plans.

Support and contribute to Educational Healthcare (EHC) plans and other healthcare plans as required such as, continuing healthcare and Looked After Child (LAC) assessments.

Support the clinics held in school by the Consultant Community Paediatricians and other professionals by providing updates such as height and weight.

Contact us

The team can be contacted during the hours of 8:30am– 4pm, Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays.

A message can be left on 0161 934 8333

Alternatively Email the team on:

If you have any compliments about this service or suggestions for improvement,  contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service, detailed below.

Your Childs Medication

If you are sending a new medication into school with your child, please complete a medication consent form and send into school. Without parents consent we will be unable to give any medication.

Have a read of our Supporting Children at School with Medical Conditions Policy

Parental Recommendation

Following a recommendation from one of our parents please look at the following website for children who are struggling to brush their teeth.

Delamere School Irlam Road Flixton M41 6AP
T: 0161 747 5893 E:
Ofsted Outstanding Provider
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