Teacher for 2023-24 Julie Wilkinson
Teaching Assistants – Hannah, Mel and Amel
Personal Support Worker – Sharon
In RE this term we are learning about different religions. This week we focused on Islam and listened to the story ‘The most exciting Eid’. We then dressed up in different clothing and made Eid cards using glitter and sequins. In our DT session we made Naan bread. We explored all the different ingredients, whisked the mixture, kneaded the dough and then tasted the bread afterwards.Â
In science this week Ladybird Class we have been making our own love potions, we used red food colouring, rose petals, glitter and love hearts to create our potions. We helped mix the mixture and worked together. We also enjoyed exploring the potions once it was made.
Children in ladybird class really enjoyed exploring the snow outside in our play ground. Felt the coldness of the snow, built a snow man and enjoyed sliding down the hill. We had great fun!!
In Ladybird class we have been exploring the properties of shape. This week we experimented with different shaped objects to see which shapes would roll down our ramp and which would slide.
We tried to predict which shapes would roll and which would not.
Emmie said “The ball will roll because it’s a circle”
We loved testing our predictions – especially when things rolled really fast!
Ladybird class have been learning all about Harvest Festival in our RE session this. We talked about where our food comes from, and about being thankful for everything we have. Then we spent some time exploring lots of different fruits and vegetables, and even tried some new ones too!