Progress Analysis

Spring 2022-23 Update 

In all areas of Literacy and Maths t over 85%  of pupils at Delamere school are making expected progress or above.  Our most able pupils are making above expected progress in Statistics and Spoken Language.

The progress of our pupils who are multi- lingual is expected or above.

Children who currently have or have previously had a social worker are continuing to make at least expected progress in all areas of learning

 Children who are in receipt of the pupil premium grant are making above expected progress in all areas of learning

We continue to provide targeted intervention to all our cohorts of vulnerable learners    

Termly Updates

Here are the results of our annual analysis of progress data

Delamere School Irlam Road Flixton M41 6AP
T: 0161 747 5893 E:
Ofsted Outstanding Provider
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