The Governing Body of Delamere School is made up of representatives from parents / carers, the local community, local Authority and school staff.
New Governors are recruited in a strategic way in order to enhance the skill set of the existing group.
The Full Governing Body usually meet four times a year and work closely with our Headteacher and other school staff to ensure that we continue to provide outstanding education and care for our children and their families.
In addition to the Full Governing Body meetings, there are two Governor sub-committees which meet every term.
Paper copies of Governing Body minutes are availiable on request from the school office.
Leaders of this pioneering and forward-facing school have an unwavering commitment to provide the very best possible education for their pupils. They are highly reflective andnever complacent. They are determined to build on their successes so that, over time, pupils can continue to access an education that is of the highest quality. Osfted July 2023
Leaders of this pioneering and forward-facing school have an unwavering commitment to provide the very best possible education for their pupils. They are highly reflective andnever complacent. They are determined to build on their successes so that, over time, pupils can continue to access an education that is of the highest quality.
Members of the governing body work strategically. They are knowledgeable and active in their work in supporting school leaders to achieve their ambitions for all pupils. Ofsted July 2023
Members of the governing body work strategically. They are knowledgeable and active in their work in supporting school leaders to achieve their ambitions for all pupils.
“Governors are well informed and committed to improving outcomes for pupils. Following meetings with their link teacher to get a picture’ of different aspects of school, they complete reports that they feed back to the full governing body. The recent early years review shows that they have an accurate view of provision.” Osfted June 2017
“Governors are well informed and committed to improving outcomes for pupils. Following meetings with their link teacher to get a picture’ of different aspects of school, they complete reports that they feed back to the full governing body. The recent early years review shows that they have an accurate view of provision.”
“Governors are rigorous in their interrogation of leaders at meetings, asking questions for clarification and challenge. They diligently follow up any actions required at subsequent meetings.” Ofsted June 2017
“Governors are rigorous in their interrogation of leaders at meetings, asking questions for clarification and challenge. They diligently follow up any actions required at subsequent meetings.”
The committee has responsibility for monitoring outcomes for children and the quality of teaching & learning at Delamere.
They work with the leadership team to improve the achievement, attendance, behaviour & safety of children at Delamere.
This Committee will also discuss, oversee and support the Headteacher with staffing matters and policies.
The Finance & Services Committee work with the leadership team to make sure we meet the School’s Financial Value Standard. They review and agree the school’s proposals for the budget, and have responsibility for making sure the school provides good value for money.
This Committee will also be concerned with the use of premises, grounds, extended school facilities and service contracts.
School governors are involved in a range of other important tasks, working with senior leaders to ensure we provide the best for our children. This includes participating in interview panels for new staff, participating in learning walks around the school and attending school events. The Governors are also involved together with an external assessor in Head Teacher Performance Management. The governors are currently working closely with the school to revisit the school vision for the next 5 years, building on our already outstanding practice and shaping the future together for our pupils, their families and the community.
This committee meets once each year in order to scrutinize decisions in relation to performance related pay.