Teacher for 2023-24 Rebecca Sutton & Emma Stott
Teaching Assistants – Natalie and Cory
Personal Support Worker – Tina
In PSHE we were learning about recycling. We discussed that different materials go into different coloured bins. We got our litter pickers and went to tidying up our environment. Frog class say ” put it in the right bin.
In History frog class were chef`s. We have been looking at food that people would eat in the past and comparing to what we eat now. The children followed instructions on how to make a vegetable stew. They enjoyed chopping all the ingredients up. It was mixed reviews when it came to tasting the stew. Well done for trying new foods Frog class.
In math`s Frog class have been learning measurement. We did a investigation making predications on how many cubes something weighed. Some of the children`s predications were pretty close. Great Job Frog class.
Frog class took their communication out into the community and visited a supermarket! The focus of our communication was using describing words. We explored what we could see, smell, touch and hear. Some of the describing words the Frogs used were “little”, “quiet”, “soft”, “spicy”, “cold”, “healthy” & “orange”. We also talked about the opposites of these words. Can you guess which items we were describing from the pictures?!
In PSHE we have been learning step by step how to make a sandwiches. Each week we have tried different fillings. Some we liked more than others, but we still had a taste. A favourite was the cucumber. Kaiser was our star this week, over the weeks he has tolerated friends making them around him and him touching some of the fillings. Today he made his own sandwich and licked cucumber. So proud!
This week frog class made our own pizzas on toast. The class enjoyed spreading the tomato sauce. Of course we had to have lots of cheese on top. Bon appetite!
Frog class have been getting into the Christmas spirit by making hand crafted gifts, wrapping presents to give to each other and playing party games! The class especially loved pass the parcel, which ended in a brand-new class set of play dough (a firm favourite activity for all children!)
Article 31 (leisure, play and culture) Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.
On a Friday’s we get the pleasure of Rachel the artist. The artist we were learning about was Giuseppe Arcimboldo, he focuses on making faces out of food. The children made funny faces using vegetables. We then explored printing with them to see the different textures.
Frog’s literacy focus this term is fiction from other cultures and traditions. The class have really enjoyed immersive learning experiences around the text “The Tiger Child”, retelling the story or putting their own twist to it using props and costumes. We’ve talked about how the people in the village might have felt when the tiger came looking for fire and, of course we had to give the tiger a name (Tom!)
Frog class have been exploring 2d and 3d shapes in different materials. We were focusing on patterns, what comes next in the sequence. We especially enjoyed making shapes with the play dough.
If you need to access home learning from home here are few websites that your child can access with you to continue their learning. You will find websites for English, maths, art, science and music.
Try these number games to practice counting skill:
Help with cooking and baking at home to explore measurement and explore capacity in the bath by filling up and emptying different containers.
Join in with the story and dough disco:
Try forming letters and shapes with messy play. You could use shaving foam, porridge oats, paint or anything else at home.
Explore dinosaurs and fossils with these videos and games.
You can also take a virtual tour of the Natural History Museum with the link below.