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Appointments will be available nearer the date to book through ParentMail via the parents evening section on the App, where you will be able to select your preferred appointment time to see your child’s teacher.
These appointments will be held in person at Delamere School and will be your opportunity to meet your child’s teacher face to face, discuss progress and agree your child’s Personalised Learning Targets so it really important that we see you on the evening.
We kindly ask that only Parents/Carers attend on the evening to ensure you get quality time with your child’s class teacher, if this will be an issue for you attending please call the school office and we will do what we can to try accommodate this.
Times will be on a first come first served basis so please be prompt booking your appointment time
Article 28 of the UNCRC says that Children have the right to education
We look forward to seeing you there if you have any questions please call the school office
Yours Sincerely
Sally Judge